Since birth, the child is innate with the ability to naturally grow to learn to move about. For example, the child at six months would be ready to get into crawling position on their hands and knees. As quoted by Maria Montessori, “The child conquests of independence are the basics steps in what is called his “Natural development.” The child has a natural instinct or desire the need to explore the environment independently.

Therefore, whatever the child can do for themselves, let them do it! Here are five ways to teach your child to be more independent.

1. Is never too early to give your child chores.
Children at the age of 1.5 to 2 years of age are able to feed themselves, walk, sit and also the occasional scribbling. But don’t be surprise at this age, they can be taught to clean up their things and washing their hands with soap. As they get older their chores can get bigger like washing plates, sweeping the floor and even setting the table. So parents always should keep in mind that all children enjoys responsibilities and should not be denied as they feel a sense of achievement when completed a task.

2. Validation
Instead of pointing out what the kids did wrong. For example, putting on their shoes on the wrong feet. Parents should give them words of encouragement like, “Good Job, you put on your shoes all by yourself”.

3. Perfection 
When a child completes a task, is mostly never perfect, so it’s okay when the child makes a mess while their doing things. Slowly but surely, they would be able to master it and learn from their own mistakes.

4. Patience
Sometimes parents are rushing for time, whether they are in a rush to go for work or for meetings. Thus, parents would end up doing things for their child knowingly that they can do it for themselves. So waking up earlier would make things less stressful for the child and parent. Plus, the child would be able to have the time to do things for themselves.

5. Timing and circumstances
Time management is important. With good time management, the child would have a fixed routine, therefore they can easily learn from it. Giving a child a chore to do also depends on the circumstance the child is in. For example, when the child is upset or showing a tantrum. It would not be the best time to give them chores. In times like these, parents would need to wait for the child to be in a calm state of mind before giving the child chores to do.